Beyond Pride Month: Showing Pride All Year Long

Now that Pride Month has come to an end, brands have swapped out their rainbow logos, street parades have dwindled down, and the colorful merchandise has come off the shelves. But pride is about more than rainbows and parades, and it shouldn’t be confined to a single month of the year. In fact, Pride Month should be used as a starting point for advocacy and exploration.
In addition to fun and fabulousness, pride also means fighting for equal rights, uplifting the community, and honoring those who paved the way. So, coming off the heels of Pride Month, it’s important to continue driving that momentum and keep making strides toward progress, inclusion and equality. Here are a few different ways you can join us in making every month a month of pride.
How to Show Pride After Pride Month
Celebrate LGBTQ+ victories. The modern-day LGBTQ+ rights movement began in 1969, when a police raid of a gay club—the Stonewall Inn—sparked six days of riots and protest. Since then, we’ve made great strides toward achieving equal rights, but the fight isn’t over yet. Whether you’re an ally or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, remember to champion the successes of LGBTQ+ individuals and honor those who’ve helped us get here.
Support and donate to LGBTQ+ organizations. There are many organizations like GLAAD, The Trevor Project, the Marsha P. Johnson Institute and the Center for Black Equity (as well as local nonprofits like us) that are working to make change happen in the world. Do your research to find one with a mission that resonates with you and learn how you can help support them. Some organizations might need monetary donations, while some could use gear, volunteers for their next event, or even just someone to help them spread awareness.
Amplify LGBTQ+ voices. To create social change, we need to center the voices of those who have personally experienced certain issues. Rather than speaking for them, make space for LGBTQ+ individuals to share their unique stories and listen to what they have to say. Then, help spread their message by sharing their original content, retweeting their posts, linking to their articles or videos, etc.
Learn, unlearn and relearn. Actively try to educate yourself about LGBTQ+ history and challenge any internalized biases you may have surrounding gender or sexuality. It’s OK to not know everything or to make mistakes—what matters is making a conscious effort to be better every day.
Normalize sharing your pronouns. By making it common practice to share pronouns, we challenge the idea that gender can be assumed simply by appearances. Include your pronouns in your social media bios and email signatures, as well as when you introduce yourself to someone. It’s a simple—but important—step toward creating a safe space for all gender identities and helping people feel pride in themselves.
Join the fight against HIV. Take pride in getting tested! Help eliminate the stigma surrounding HIV by knowing your status and protecting your health. Talk openly about HIV to combat misinformation and encourage others to know their status as well.
The LGBTQ+ community has made great strides since the days of Stonewall and it’s important to take pride in that—not just during Pride Month, but throughout the entire year. Using these ideas as a starting point, together we can make every month a month of pride.